my brights is working very poor and my dim lights not at all. What could be the problem?
8 Answers
It the switch or the ground straps.
Sorry. I am a woman. Knows al lot about cars but I don't know what the ground straps is.
That's the big black wire that comes off the battery and.attaches to the frame. That makes for a good ground for a good electrical circuit. Check and see if it is nice and clean on all connections.
Ask same body to help you, connect a wire to the battery ground (- pol) and to the sheet metal on the light, If no response, connect a wire on the battery + pol and to the light wire Connection, If light working OK it is a switch, if not I need more info.
I forgot it lights come om with the battery ground wire it is a groud Connection problem. sorry
Thank you. I have sorted it out. It was on the relay.
Hi l have a same problem on my Astra F ....wich relay are ubtalking about ..?
Connect a wire to the battery ground (- pol) and to the sheet metal on the light, If no response, connect a wire on the battery + pol and to the light wire Connection, If light working OK it is a switch or the relay (did the relay bi varm/hot with light on? if not I need more info.