Digital overhead

Asked by Guru9X6X1 Jun 21, 2017 at 05:06 PM about the 1991 Chrysler Fifth Avenue

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

I have previously had the cluster repaired
in my Fifth Avenue at the same time
hoping that it would fix the digital
overhead at the same time. The digital
overhead is still not working it is getting
power to it but nothing coming out of it.
My sunroof control is on that overhead
and it does work and so does the lights.
Any ideas recommended
recommendations in order for me to get it
fixed or fix it myself?

2 Answers


i cant find any info on the digital overhead cluster ...can you take a picture of it?? it looks like its a plug in and play whole unit im thinking its > q=1991+Chrysler+Fifth+Avenue+digital+overhead+cluster&rlz=1 C1AOHY_enUS708US709&oq=1991+Chrysler+Fifth+Avenue+++ +digital+overhead+cluster&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39.6142j0j8&s ourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8#q=1991+Chrysler+Fifth+Avenue+digital+overhead+cluster&tb m=shop&spd=5277328534583024650

I actually had the same problem with my instrument cluster and my overhead cluster is still not working at this time. I wound up having to mail my instrument cluster off and having it fixed it cost $150. And he said he would charge me 65 to fix the overhead. But I have no idea what's wrong with them. I had my instrument cluster back in 4 days

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