Rocam engine sudden cutoffs
ave a 2007 Ford Bantam Rocam engine, the car
starts ok, idle for about 2minutes or more and
thereafter suddenly cuts off. I've replaced the coil
pack (non-genuine) and leads but still faced with
the problem of sudden engine cutoffs while idling.
Please help.
3 Answers
Check that water has not gone down the wiring harness from the engine compartment into the passenger compartment. The water will flow down the harnes into the computer box. Check there is no moisture on the main plug connecter.
But I drove the car for 2 consecutive days without any problem and the car does not have any water leakages and also I haven't washed the engine yet. I've noticed a tiny crack on the new coil-pack, could this be a possible reason for sudden engine cutoffs while idling?
I would rather try another coil pack, first of all from anaother vehicle. I have known the pirate part coil packs give problems. The genuine parts are more expensive but might be better off.