Ford bantam Rocam 1.3
My ford bantam shows that the cluster is not
working I fitted a new battery bt now the gurges
are not working, is there anything I could try before
I replace the cluster? coz m worried I may buy a
new cluster and stil hv the same issue (nb the oil
light and battery light comes on normally whn I
start the car
3 Answers
Sounds like the communication between the PCM and cluster. At engine idle there will be slight hesitation every about seven seconds. This will tell you that there is a communication problem between the PCM and cluster. To perform a cluster test, perform the following: Ignition off in the lock position; Press trip button in the cluster and hold it in; Ignition switch ON (II) and hold. The TEST will come up on the LCD in the ODO area. Release the trip button and the Speedo needle will sweep to full; relies and press the button again and the Tacho will go full sweep and back to zero; Press this button again and the gauges (fuel and temp) will go from zero to full; press again and the LCDs and then the LEDs will operate. Carry on and test all the items on the cluster. To go out of the test, switch the ignition off. You should then have an idea on where to check next. Check the fuses and the relays. By performing this cluster test you will be able to determine if the cluster is faulty or not. I somehow don't think the cluster is faulty.
I also have the same problem , but when my battery is low the cluster stared to show. Please help me
If the battery is very low, the Keep Alive Memory in the cluster gets depleted. I have also seen it that when the battery is too low, and another full battery is installed the cluster goes to full sweep on all the gauges and then settles down to normal. Make sure the alternator charging rate is in Spec. Also check the charging amperage.