I have a 1973 Beetle and my battery keeps dying


Asked by ravishing23 Jul 10, 2013 at 06:57 PM about the Volkswagen Beetle

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

10 Answers


How To Perform a Parasitic Draw Test - EricTheCarGuy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF1gijj03_0

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I have purchase two new alternators and a new battery and it is still doing the same thing. I notice that while the car is idling the charge indicator light comes on but as soon as I accelerate the gas it goes off.

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Long, long ago, when I was young, there were VW mechanics on every block- and these men would have dropped their wrenches if a RAVISHING lady had pulled up in front of their shop in a Beetle- where have those days of romance gone- maybe they are still here? somewhere

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I think those days are long gone because I am having trouble finding anyone who can repair this particular vehicle.

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who put the alternator on? are you doing the work? OK- we have a new alternator and battery- and the battery is not getting a charge OR not keeping a charge- let's look at some potential issues- It has to be the right alternator for your car- if it is, the only thing left in your charging system is the voltage regulator- it has to be regulatin' just right- you have to have an old fashioned tester to tell what it's puttin' out- my brain is tellin' me they can be adjusted- can this be right? god it's been a long time since I worked on the air cooled beasts- anyway, you could always buy a new voltage regulator, if it's the original one, it prob'ly needs it- but it may not solve your problem- I hate guessin' but replacing the regulator is just another step in the restoration of your car- and THAT is what you're doin' with a cool car that old

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Ok thanks I will try replacing the voltage regulator. I have a very good friend who has been helping me.

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ok- I made a mistake- an external voltage regulator was used with the cars that had GENERATORS- on cars with alternators, the voltage regulator is inside the alternator housing- an integral part of the alt.- that should demonstrate how old I am- I worked on Beetles with generators- man, the years just pass on by- forgive me- but the best answer may be to check all your grounds- where the electrical components attach to the body- ESPECIALLY the main battery ground- follow that big black wire off the battery and make sure that attachment to the body is clean- scrape it with a file if you have to- then check to see if the battery is losing power while the car is parked- that's the DRAW TEST mentioned in the very first answer- some of these gurus are pretty smart

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check for slipping drive belt. that's all!

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Hello, I have a 1973 Beetle and the Generator (New) light stays and the Battery, which is new, does not charge why? please can someone give me some guidance thanks..

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