my trucks battery went dead and know there is no spark what so ever and will not start I have a code reader and it throws no codes it turns over but will not start. can you help?
5 Answers
Check the spark plugs to make sure they are not dry and are actually firing. Also check the fuel pump and the fuel pump regulator. What year is this truck? There is shouldn't be any problems even if its the 2004 model (oldest Titan). Check the vehicle to see if there are any recalls regarding batteries and such.
southerncomfort268 answered 15 years ago
i have a 2004 nissan titan. and when my battery went dead i had the battery changed and all of the sudden all kind of light have come on. and my fuel gauge will not work right i have put almost 100.00 of gas in that truck in the past 3 days. and i am trying to figure out do i need to change the whole fuel pump or just the float and if so can i just buy the float.
Ii think, your's car dynamo is not working properly.......the current is not passing.....must check you r car's dynamo!!!!!
So im going to say that your battery is good now and that your saying there is no spark, generally when there is a spark problem it always thrips a trouble code. When there is a vehicle not starting and there arn't any codes usually its a fuel related problem. I would double check your spark then check and make sure your getting fuel to the fuel rail