I have a 2001 S type jaguar3.0 that had a front collision car was parked for 3yrs.fuel pump replaced,gas tank is filled,when starting engine comes on but wont start,when sprayed with carb cleaner,starts briefly ends when burns out.have any ideas to recommend
13 Answers
Get water out of gas tank. If it has a drain on the bottom, the water will be on the bottom. I think after 3 years you got a considerable amount of condensation
does a 2001 s type have a inertia switch? if so check it. I just worked on a 99 XJR and it had one in the passenger kick panel.
Honestly I can't figure out,inspected inertia switch ok,think more electrical,reason fuel pump has surge fuel not reaching where it supposed to go.
I would go with david on this. you said the tank was full but it could have alot of water in it or stale gas. is it fresh fuel? and if so how much fuel has been in the tank for 3 years before you added fresh fuel?
try all of the above but the car in question has an electro magnetic pick up which is tempermental and degrades through where it is situated just near the crank pully try cleaning it up /replacing it as this was the fault on a customers one recently and it caused similar problems
John, you hit on something there. He didn't say if the front end was fixed or how badly damaged...
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
..achem, those sensors are just pendulae, not spring until contact one time deal only...so the theory of a switch being tripped would not be possible if there was no easy way to reset it-
Just trying to switch vehicle on,none of the needles in the instrumental panels don't move,horn don't blow.
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
pablo, isn't it a small plastic box with a couple of wires comin-out of it? Inside is your inertial switch...yes drives me crazy as it tries to anaconda itself around my neckine with the application in seat belt tensioner-
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
well pablo, would look at your fuse panel, to see if any of 'em are blown-