what year did toyota avalons start being built with a timing chain vs. a timing belt?
28 Answers
Go to RockAuto.com and see if they sell a chain or belt for the model year that you are interested in.
That is exactly the thing to do^^^ you didn't say what year you are looking at
OK, the following is accurate accept I decided to do something a little different, go here and you decide as I am very surprised and upset with myself as I thought I knew what I was talking about, so go check here and YOU see if what you want to know is answered here, I have officially irritated myself.... LOL and good luck, http://www.toyotapartszone.com/oem-toyota-avalon-engine-mechanical-timing-chain.html By the way, besides surprising myself I think you could contact these people for more info as I firmly believed they were all belts. But and This was my first answer and know I discovered what I hope you just looked at......They all have belts through all 4 generations and have not changed to chain it's all belt and it's not a difficult job to change,the Avalon the regular V6 1MZ-FE was re-designed with what is called the VVT-i which is (Variable Valve Timing and Lift intelligent system) is an enhanced version of VVT-i ( in the earlier generations) The Toyota 1MZ-FE engine is used in the Lexus and being the Avalon is Toyota's flagship car their is nothing wrong with a belt timed engine or Toyota would have changed it, that's called staying in business. With that said though their is in business also called planned obsolescence meaning you don't want stuff to last for ever, unlike the good old days. So, I'm sorry but it seems that belt it is and if I am wrong someone please take the time to inform in public or by PM as I do want to be accurate. I
I have converted engines from belt to chain and it's involved and you really want to have a specific purpose for doing something that radical. I didn't read much into that site as it may be just that, a conversion kit, I don't know but if you'd like to come back and educate me I am all for it. I'm not a Toyota guy but I have replace at least 5 or 6 belts for friends and it's easy on older models that VVT might get involved and require special equipment to calibrate I don't know but it is this way with most all modern engines. Technology
One last darn thing, I do get bugged on things and just can't quit until I know more and I went back and checked something and on the first listing I took a look and it says that in 2007 the following so maybe the year your asking about is 2007 they said the following, Avalon 2007.07-2010.03 6cyl 3.5L ATM XLS Avalon 2007.07-2010.03 6cyl 3.5L ATM LIMD Avalon 2007.07- 6cyl 3.5L ATM XL Avalon 2006.01-2007.07 6cyl 3.5L ATM XLS Avalon 2006.01-2007.07 6cyl 3.5L ATM XL Avalon 2006.01-2007.07 6cyl 3.5L ATM LIMD
Found this to, "the new Avalon's 3.5L V6 has a timing chain (I think this is the 2012 engine) & the 3.3L V6 in the Camry & ES330 is a Timing belt correct, the reply was Yup Yup." And that's someones quote not mine and I'm done and I hope I confused you,,,, just kidding but it is kind of weird and difficult answer as generally I can look at my manuals and know right now, but not the case here. I do hope this helps as it took my morning coffee break and made it into a two hour coffee break, that's ok I'm not upset at all..... I'm retired
Thanks Dave for covering my back bro,as I forgot to put the link but this was the one I was referring to, http://www.toyotapartszone.com/oem-toyota-engine-mechanical-timing-chain.html I got a message while I was posting this answer and had to run, I finally got a reply on the grille I am looking for, just may try and buy the entire car, but I might have to fly out or what ever, I want that car if she will give me a vin, if not, bummer no go.
I don't know why I get a comment by email and not here but davey boy, you nailed it and though not professionally confirmed, that's one engine I have been paying attention to for years and it is the V48 Custom "OCD" Deluxe Supercharged 1956 and original also only one made to my knowledge.....LOL But everyone I know want me to do the work for them, whether construction or auto, they know how I am and I am honest, to a fault. With me you get way more than you ever expected, do you believe me?? LOL
..oh, do we ever, don't we Bob....
So did I miss anything? Don't tell me that pmcleod3 left like our last customer yesterday who must still be in park.... hum I am going to have to think about this....LOL See ya all later.....G
thanks for all the help!
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
...still trying to figure out what just happened??
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
To relay what we've learned in our experience to others, so they can laugh and point. That's the point.
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
...begone with ye-...no llregal, you are SUCH a valuable VOICE to CarGurus, i do believe that these fellers aspire to be as "ready on the draw" with an entire civilization of documentation, and can access this information on the go, without rubbing your forehead too much. Really, suddenly you mean something to me because your familiarity with the Machinery's Handbook, knowing your modus operandi, probably have the keen awaress of British Whitworth threads as they can be replaced with American Standard fasteners, the entire chart, and the weaknesses of the substitution and how just a 60 degree thread will comprimize strength, try Kent's engineering manual and also I have a huge book from when I was learning to program the Brown and Sharp 000G automatic thread cutting machine, Twice the thickness, half the understanding.,,in short, thank you very much for being a part of my life!
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
Autocad is a horrible waste of time, like building a house by carrying bricks in your teeth. Both my Dell computers crashed taking my drawings and pirated version of autocad with them. I've got the Bosch Automotive Designers handbook and was just guessing at the numbers, then shockingly re-affirmed by this handbook. I'm not a machinist, but a Mechanical Design Draftsman, wsa top in my class and won the Machinerys handbook for my design for using the energy of a mousetrap to negotiate a hallway (perhaps 300 ft.). Musician (like the bass, but play ALL instruments), an artist (will paint something for you, just tell me what theme and size you'd like) and an inventor. i've explained the Recaptor to you (tried to sneak it in for the savvy, but I guess you're it) was my life's calling, using my newly acquired HP 755CM plotter for what purpose now? Can't find a living soul who knows what to do with them. A yellow pad with a pencil is more effective, not 1/8 scale drawings. Can't right now,.,,gotta roll the dice.
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
Oy vey...a speed demon we have on our hands here. What alloy Titanium 6165? now I'm guessing, don't have jorgenson in front of me anymore, Anyhooos, you needn't get interested, but most grab hold of the idea and begin corrupting it, which is okay by me, Just wanted to make a hydropneumatic exercise vehicle. This endeavor will cost the $$$, already shot the life savings on "Oakland Quality Amps" 1994-2001. Had to sell the drill press, the sheetmetal sheer, the torch and tanks and the Lincoln...and was left with nothing but a few books and my imagination when we moved back to Milwaukee,,,sad affair this. Get the feeling like someone is tap dancing on my grave there- They offered like double the money for my wife to come back to The Tileshop Berkeley. as I've stated you needn't get involved- All that's left is this little "sketch' of outlines of the recaptor. Pretty much bailed on it as the forces all seem to be working against me-
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
$79 is the cost of this seat. kinda cheapy but the pleated one would not be suitable for exercise duty. The Tool Engineers Handbook had the chapter on Browne and Sharpe 000G machines...this is not beddy time reading. Great that you can find commercial components. A Japanese company called Misume sent me their catalog of commercial automation parts of which of course am going to have to redesign anyways. If I could just borrow solidworks for a couple of months we could have the lazers squirt out a prototype...oh well, dream on cap'n. The Bollard isn't a spiffy design because of it's stenght to weight ratio, unless you were using to punch down buildings...all sixes and sevens. "bob_nueske"
migration_judge_roy answered 12 years ago
That looks like a utiity department orange. Was that your choice gary? Those tires look a bit weighty, but probably are needed to tackle the roads of Clearlake~
2005 is when Toyota went to the 2gr-fe witch is the 3.5 and is a chain motor. if it has a 3.0 or a 3.3 it is a timing belt motor
Both of you arguing are children... I'm retired I have this, I have that... Plain wimps is what I would call you both... The forum is designed to help not hate... Ohh poor guys having sexual trouble... Mr talks in CIRCLES ADMINS please delete their accounts, and to the nice OP it's cool man we don't and no one knows everything about every car... It does help if you provide details HOWEVER drunkie with an illegal small penis? should understand that if you are car God and the guy arguing just shut up and go get a room with him... RANT OVER retired, stop drinking and posting you sound like a jerk/moron/Vienna hotdog
4 cylinder changed in 02, 6 cylinder changed in 05