How to check for power to fuel pump?
6 Answers
What Year Camry....what Engine? How did you check for "no power to fuel pump"?
The relay that operates the fuel pump on this vehicle is called a Circuit Opening Relay...C/OPN. Are we testing the correct relay? Also....check the 10 Amp IG2 fuse. This fuse powers said relay. If the fuse is good...we need to probe the relay socket with a test light or.... better to use a Digital Volt Ohm Meter.
Have you tried to Google your make model year ....and....Wiring Diagram.? I I found one for FREE.
Another thought. When you hot wire the FP and it is running....does the engine start up and run well?
The ultimate control for the Copn/fuel pump relay is the engine computer. The ECU controls the ground side of the coil in said relay. We need a Digital Volt Meter to check that circuit..If you have said volt should see 12 volts at terminal 5 and 1 with the key on engine not cranking. The relay is removed and you are probing the terminals in the socket that the relay lives in.
N1....did you ever resolve the issue with this vehicle?