need help diy troubleshoot and repair 1993 ford e150 van
So I went out to start my van and turned it over only to hear a 'click'. Everything else
seemed to be fine, instrument panel in the dash was fine, fuel pump whined gas up to
the engine, etc. Took the stater out and took it to be tested, it failed, so I bought
another brought it back and replaced it. Got into the van expecting it to roar to life only
to hear that 'click' again. Found the fender mounted solenoid(stater relay) and replaced
that as well. got into the van to have it start up only to find that now no power to fuel
pump, or any of the instruments in the dash.... no odometer reading, no battery read/oil
pressure/etc... So then I took out my light meter and checked to see if I have power
from the ignition command wire at the solenoid(relay), running back up into the cab,
nothing! I do have a funky ignition cylinder which when the key is out will rotate 360
forward or backward. before I go all the way into checking/changing the ignition switch
itself, I'm wondering if there could be something going on in the cylinder keeping the
power from flowing further down the line.... any suggestions?