Ignition switch?
I have a 2012 1500 Dodge almost 200,000 km and
now when I command start the truck it starts up
perfectly fine sometimes when I stick the key in the
ignition before I even turn it the truck will shut off
sometimes it won't shut off until I turn it to the ACC
position sometimes I have to try turning on the
truck 5 or 6 times before it turns on I'm not too
sure what the issue is do I need a new ignition
switch? I don't need to be stranded out in the
middle of the road somewhere it's been cold and
it's been acting up more that it's cold now but it
has done it before before it got cold it's just scary
knowing that if I stick my key in the ignition the
truck could potentially not start even after trying 10
X Plus has anybody else had this problem? If you
have what was your solution