putting forth the car engine , lights are on , wipers and blinkers are not working , also they are not getting any command
I have a Compass Limited Edition 2.4 gasoline . Yesterday putting forth the car engine , lights were on , wipers and blinkers were not working and , all three functions , they are not getting any command . This happened after a few days of cool weather (about 15 degrees Celsius ) and raining . The same problem happened last winter , after 3 days of continues heavy and stormy raining(about 5 degrees Celsius ) , but then the functions reverted after a few sunny(but still cold) days . At Chrysler they told me , that they might find the problem while it’s happening , otherwise they cannot make any guess . On the other hand I’m living 170 miles away from the closest service center , which means that traveling towards them , with a fully heated engine , there are many probabilities , the problems to be solved automatically ! Any ideas ? And what will be the relevant spares , if any ? Thanks to anybody in advance , for the assistance .