I have a 94 Silverado with a 5.7 TBI and the number six wire from the distributor is going to the number one cylinder which is completely wrong according to the firing order. anyone know why?


Asked by GuruH45J Apr 19, 2017 at 05:53 PM

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

8 Answers


Here is the firing order and wire placement...Is it like this?

35 people found this helpful.

No. like i said the no.6 on the distributor is going to the no.1 cylinder. is it possible it could be wired 180 out?

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Ok, there are two different rotations on the chevys, but this is how my '95 5.7L is wired, and it is a clockwise rotation. Take the distributor cap off and have someone click the key so you can verify the rotation of the rotor. If it is clockwise like this, this would be the way it should be wired. But it can be wired the way you say it is as long as the firing order is correct, and the rotor points to #1 on the compression stroke at TDC. Is the truck running?

8 people found this helpful.

180 out!! Move all ur plug wires to the right one spot on the distributor cap... or maybe it’s left one and you be good to go bro!! Get a timing light and a guide for your ride and all be good cuz!! Lol!!

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