pronounciation of a certain car name
Hi. I have a question for you guys. I have never been able to figure out how to pronounce a certain model name by Nissan. its called the Nissan Stagea. Its really hard for me to figure it out and I need help. I know this sounds like a really, really dumb question but I have been trying to figure it out for 5 years. I know lots about cars but whenever I try to tell someone about this car, I bugs me because I can't pronounce it. sorry for all thr rambling. I am I go again with the rambling.
thanks for your time.
7 Answers
It's pronounced "Stay-gee-uh." I searched for it on You Tube and watched some videos about it. This seemed to be the common pronunciation.
Neil is right stay-gee-aah.....Joe
thank you so much for helping me out. this car name has been bothering me for years and your answer was really helpful.
thank you all so much for the help with this car name
stage gay ahh :) or just gaya for short in australia