Speakers cut out


Asked by jamesrreed Apr 16, 2014 at 10:50 AM about the 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

The radio in my Jeep will play just fine for as little as 30 seconds to ten minutes or more but eventually all of my speakers will suddenly cut off.  The radio is still powered on, only the speakers cut out.  It's all or nothing, either every speaker is working just fine or all of them cut off at the same time.  I turn the radio off for a few seconds and turn it back on and they work again for a short while.  Any ideas?

I have had the Jeep for 4 years and never had a problem until the last couple of weeks.  I had some water issues with the top leaking and thought it might be a short but wouldn't the entire radio cut out/off if that were the case?

My neighbor mentioned that I might need to check the connection behind the radio and another friend thought it might be that the radio is going out and overheats or simply can't power the speakers after a while.

66 Answers


I found something online that suggested I remove the negative post on the battery for 10 seconds then replace. That apparently resets the computer. I tried that earlier today and have not had any problems out of the radio or speakers since. Not sure why but it seems to have worked.

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If you have a hard top, check the electrical plug in the back, next to the washer fluid line. If that connector is dirty or not fully locked in place, it will cause the speakers to cut in and out. Especially on rougher roads. The radio also has a volume control feature reliant on that plug. Another symptom would be if the volume sometimes gets louder or lower in a kind of wave.

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Wiper plug was my problem. Who would've thunk it?

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OMG... wiper plug. R U Kidding me? Fixed the problem (even AFTER I bought a new radio)..... DOH!!

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Wiper plug is not my problem. My radio plays for 2 sec & off for 2 sec, plays & off play & off.

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I am having the same issue as Ben77c

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Dave and ben77, sorry my fix didn't help, but I'm curious the year and top your wranglers came off the floor with? I pulled the entire dash apart in my 15 trying to figure my fix out. Just saying that to point out it was a process narrowing it down. I'd like to help so I'm curious what you're jeeps have in common, other than this annoying ass issue.

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I have the same issue in my Jeep Wrangler Sahara 2011. Plays for 3 or 4 seconds and then is off for 3 or 4 seconds and then comes back on for 3 or 4. Radio, CD, BT all do the same.

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I have the exact same issue as Ben77c and Dave. On 2 seconds and off 2 seconds. It seemed to happen after some really hard rain when I had my back window up carrying a kayak.

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Dealing with same issue in my 2013. in and out evey2 to 3 seconds. driving me crazy.

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I'm having the same problem in my 2012. Wiper plug doesn't seem to be my issue either....

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Same problem on my 2014 JK. I was hoping it was gonna be a quick fix however I also has a leak somewhere in the roof so I'm guessing something either shorted out or a wire corroded or something.

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Same issue, but will be on 2-10 min then cut out for hours. My issue isn't the speaker connection, as it will still play satalite, CD's, or Auxiliary plug or Bluetooth fine, only the radio goes in and out. I had no issues until after the dealer did my passenger side airbag recall work, then the next day it began dropping the radio. I've pulled the head unit, checked its connections and traced the antenna wired behind the dash, but find nothing out of place.

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Wow! I was having the same issue with a Kenwood I purchased a few years ago. Recently sound kept cutting in and out but display showed everything functioning. Cleaned and tightened the electrical plug next to the wipers and and I have sound! I drove it around the block and it stayed on-hoping its fixed permanently Thanks for the tip! My husband can’t believe I fixed it myself

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Rear wiper plug causes radio sound to cut out..who would of thought . Just had this issue surface on my 2017 Sahara jku. Indeed the rear plug fixed it. Thanks guys!

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I have a 2013 Jeep Wrangler it just started cutting in and out the stock stereo that is. It will play just fine then I have a hissing from the speakers I will smack the dash on the upper left above the radio and it plays again and sometimes it won't, turn it off and back on and it might play or it might not. I took the dash apart too look at the connection's and everything looks good. was wondering if it is something inside the radio ??

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I have a 2010 soft top wrangler and My left speaker will play for a random amount of time, then cut out, then work again, then cut out randomly. Driving me crazy. Radio seems to come back on for a few seconds when I hit my drivers side floorboard with my foot? Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Wires loose? Please let me know if you have any tips

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I am a new Jeep owner and I just bought the 2018 Wrangler Sahara Unlimited JK, I am dealing with the same thing, the FM radio speakers cut in and out, but some speakers work and some dont or they all work then cut out again and it only seems to happen on FM Radio, I just picked the jeep up today as they ordered a new radio and installed it and that did not fix the problem it still does the same thing. I am taking it back tomorrow for them to re-look at it to see if they can figure out what the problem is.

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The answer to all your problems with the radio cutting in and out could be a bad Tipm or as some call it a body module or in simpler terms the fuse box which is a very common problem with the wranglers so bad in fact that they are on back order

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My radio plays for 2 seconds then cuts out for 2 seconds. I have a wrangler 4 door with freedom hard top. Rear plug is not the issue.

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Same issue with my 13 Fm radio isn’t worked in a long time, any other audio cuts out after 2 or 3 seconds, then plays for 2 or 3. Tried the wiper plug, no luck

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Just had to Jeep for another problem. They said it was an internal short and would be 500. To fix. Haven’t done it yet

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UPDATE - I posted this question 5 years ago. I never got the issue resolved and today the same Jeep has other mythical electronic problems but drives fine. The doors have perpetually locked themselves for about a year. I recently pulled the fuse to disable the horn/alarm because we moved and I didn't want to make a bad impression on my new neighbors. Lights randomly go out and come back on a week later. Most recently the radio completely died this week. All part of owning a Jeep I guess. I figure if anyone ever steals it they will get locked out the first time they exit the vehicle and will eventually become so frustrated that they bring it back.

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Tried the honking, had to hit the horn several times because it wouldn’t go off. I used my last honk, and still don’t have a radio.

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2013 JK and same issue...2 seconds off, 1 sec back on...repeat. It doesn't matter if I have on the radio, CD, input jack for phone - they all do the same. Very frustrating and thought it was the radio, but glad I didn't buy a new one, as apparently from reading above comments, that is NOT the solution!

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Flashes79 did you ever find out what you problem was on your radio.....mine is doing the same thing. I cleaned my rear plug but it didn’t work which it still looks bad, I might just have to replace it but I was wondering what else you came up with?

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I have the same issue, it started happening about a week ago and bought a new head unit, did not fix the issue, i don't think the weather has anything to do for mine, since i live in California. Have any of you guys found a solution? I have never in my life had so much issues with any car as i have with a jeep. As much as i love the looks, i will never purchase another and will tell people how horrible the are as far as issues. Please if you guys have had any luck what so ever let me know.

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I have same issue https://youtu.be/HD5nda4Ez1s

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Has anybody found a solution to the problem to the sound cutting in and out?????

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Did anyone find solution with the radio goes in and out. the speaker connection are good , as it will still play CD's, or Auxiliary plug fine, only the radio goes in and out.?

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So we took it to a stereo shop and they found the stock amp went out. So they had to bypass it with new wiring. That was my solution to the problem but Mine started with the radio going in and out as well and a few weeks later the whole thing stopped working.

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Let's start a petition to chrysler for recall to fix this issue .all Chrysler made vehicles have this problem My jeep compass sport 2014 Dont have premium sound with built in amp ..it's a basic RES radio and 4 door speakers setup with aux cd and FM/AM functionality , in my scenerio nothings work no aux no Cds no FM I don't want to spend $ on aftermarket stereo + harness just to check if its just bad factory head unit. It's so annoying , does everybody have same problem like mine?? https://youtu.be/HD5nda4Ez1s Please suggest any fix for it ..this is my first car ever it's over a month without music in it....lol

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have stock JEEP wrangler 2015 RES radio for sale I bought this radio to replace the stock head unit giving audio in and out problems but it didn't work either Because later on I found that Chrysler vehicles use CANbus systems for their electronics .. my jeep compass 2014 has low can bus system .and wranglers use high can bus ... So it's not interchangeable.. wrangler stereo is in perfect shape fully functional ( checked in my friend's wrangler ) So if anybody need this stock RES radio for wrangler eBay link :- https://www.ebay.ca/itm/OEM-radio-for-Jeep- Chrysler- Dodge-P68252824AA/192950629312? pageci=0b1afabd- c316-4c6b-a98f-acf445b8f849 Instagram :- atinderpalsinghrai

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Harry it’s your amp going out. My Jeep was doing the same exact thing going in and out. You’ll need to bypass the amp. We spent over $400 trying to fix it ourselves. and no luck. It was very frustrating.

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I agree with jeepgirl2013, so i spent about $900 of money i could have used in something else, playing the guessing game. So i purchased a new aftermarket head unit because i was advised that's what it was. So I replaced it, it turns out they it was doing the same thing. Then i purchased speakers thinking it was some sort of short happening. (I kept paying someone to do the labor on all this.) Then i checked the wires, rewired everything; finally i took it DT where there is all whole street where they sell audio stuff, well.. i explained to the guy i had replaced the head unit, the speakers and rewired everything....He looks at me and tells me that it's the amp....well i asked him to replace it, and up until now it plays like nothing was ever wrong. I lost all functionality with the wheel controls, but i have music. Check your amp before buying anything else. I bought an amp in crutchfield for 5 channels for 150 and the installer DT was pretty impressed with it.

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jeepgirl2013, my compass don't have inbulit amp , it's not premium Boston or infinity audio system.... But still have this problem

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Mine started with the AM working sporadically - which wasn't too bad since I rarely use AM. After a month of no AM, suddenly I have cutting in and out of every other audio option. It's 4 seconds on and 2 seconds off. About 2 months prior to this I had the airbag recall fixed and I also had my PCM replaced. I thought maybe I had to do with the PCM, but now I'm wonder if they did something when they "fixed" the airbag. Sadly I don't trust the dealer to tell me if it was actually due to one of those (even if it really was) - I feel they're just out to make $$.

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My speakers also just recently started doing this 4 seconds on 4 seconds off. I had hoped it would snap out of it like other issues like losing my radio buy still having my XM radio. Have we figured out the issue and the fix? I don't feel like spending any more time and money at the dealership. Miss having radio or phone conversations in my jeep.

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I spoke with a audio place. They said it was most definitely an amp problem. But also said that unless I wanted to bypass like the post above and lose steering wheel control buttons I would have to get it into the dealership. The dealership of course has no appts open till three weeks from now. Presently calling around to other Jeep places. This should be a recall. (I was hoping it would be the plug by the wipers in back but presently I have my soft top on and that was when the issue started)

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In my case , my Jeep compass don't have premium sound ..it has just basic 4 door speakers I am sure where amp is located

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When you say lose steering wheel controls. All of the buttons? Just front ones or are you meaning just the volume on back? I have tried all suggestions, the back plug, unhooking the battery for half hour, fuses. I guess amp is next. Any help would be appreciated

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I just got back from the dealership. They said they would need to put a new radio in. $90 for the diagnosis and $400 for the new radio installed. I declined. I have seen too many people on here that say they got the new radio and the problem persists. Seriously, no one has been successful? (P.S. I don't have an amp so that isn't it AND I have the soft top on)

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Installed aftermarket Pioneer stereo for 150$CAD + 33 CAD (Harness + dash kit ). Problem fixed forever.

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@Sweetsssymolassy, Is that a 2013 Rock Lobster you have pictured?!! If so, check out this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1901420890149304/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1901420890149304/?ref=group_header

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We just bought a 2011 Jeep Wrangler Sport a couple months ago and have the same problem with the radio cutting in and out with white noise and popping sounds. I had it at the dealership today for a Takata air bag recall replacement and the tech there said the Jeep radios go bad a lot and it would be $500 to put in a new Mopar unit. He said most people go the route of getting an after market unit rather than spend the money for a Mopar unit that could end up going bad with the same issue. I am first going to try some of the other things that people suggested in all of the answers, but it sounds like it's going to be the amp and I should not bypass it because I will lose some or all of the wheel controls for the stereo. It's too bad this seems to be a huge problem for Jeeps that has been going on for years. You would think they would have re-engineered whatever they needed to make this problem go away.

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Does anyone have corrosion on the steering wheels controls who are having this issue I noticed I have a small amount around the chrome trim I wonder if this could be the cause of shorting


I dont have the premium system with sub and I have the softtop so no rear wiper mine will cut in and out I cannot control volume unless there is a aux cord plugged into the head unit but regardless what source I use when there is volume everything cuts in and out about every 3-5 seconds

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2012 jeep wrangler.. radio stays powered on, but cuts in and out,,,cd and sat radio worked for awhile then they also started to cut out..unit stays powered on....changed out the RES radio....cd and sat radio work right now.. but the local radio still cuts out..

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My daughters 09 Wrangler only cuts n and out on the left. If u bump up the volume then back down it works fine for a while. Has aftermarket head... any ideas what’s causing that?

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I have a 2014 Jeep Wrangler JK. My am/fm come on briefly, then no sound. SeriusXM, CD, aux, and phone all still work. I replaced the am/fm antenna cable, which did not fix the issue. After tins, and tons, and TONS of searching and reading, I believe I have pinpointed the issue. This will be my next try and I’m fairly certain will fix the issue. It sure beats replacing the radio and it’s RIDICULOUS that Chrysler can’t make/install a radio that lasts more than 4-5 years! Anyway, the issue seems to be bad soldering and/or broken pins on the internal chip. Here is a video link with the fix. I hope this will help others experiencing the same problems. https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=ndew1YPtZHQ

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These are Jeep Liberty radios, but the guts are all the same. This should provide a fix to no am/fm sound or intermittent sound. https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=ndew1YPtZHQ https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=DSzEKKNy0jc

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Thank you jjorseth, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSzEKKNy0jc was spot on for our 2014 Wrangler Unlimited. AM/FM would go out after 2-7 minutes, Sat and CD would continue to work. Pressure on the chip as noted in the video results in a working radio. Hot air rework station available on Amazon for ~$40 with or without soldering iron: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XC9VV2C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00? ie=UTF8&psc=1 MotorCity Mechanic has a great video on the radio removal for 2011-2017 JK Wrangler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtzrNJVTPl4

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Thank you Jjorseth and GreenCountry. I hadn't a radio in two years. I read your post and watch the video (https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=DSzEKKNy0jc). The radio was coming on AM/FM when it felt like it. My husband followed the video and we brought the radio at a computer repair shop where they solder the chip for us since we didn't have the appropriate tool to do. The cost was $20.00. Voila! I now have a radio. Thank you so much for all your help. I hope this forum will help other in fixing this. I had brought the jeep at the dealer two years ago and I was quoted approximately $900.00. It only took my husband approximately 1 hour to take everything apart. Once Again. Thank you, thank you

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Anybody find a cure for the 4 second on 2 second off issue? It started in my 2014 Jeep Wrangler two weeks ago. Sigh.

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Tony. I have 2014 Jeep Wrangler and I had the same issue. I responded with the solution about 1 week ago. Here were my comments Look at the post from jjorseth and Green country. It certainly solved my problem. Hope it works for you Thank you Jjorseth and GreenCountry. I hadn't a radio in two years. I read your post and watch the video (https://m.youtube.com/watch? v=DSzEKKNy0jc). The radio was coming on AM/FM when it felt like it. My husband followed the video and we brought the radio at a computer repair shop where they solder the chip for us since we didn't have the appropriate tool to do. The cost was $20.00. Voila! I now have a radio. Thank you so much for all your help. I hope this forum will help other in fixing this. I had brought the jeep at the dealer two years ago and I was quoted approximately $900.00. It only took my husband approximately 1 hour to take everything apart. Once Again. Thank you, thank you

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GuruHWCPS and everyone else--THANK YOU! I finally got around to removing the radio in my 2014 Jeep Wrangler, soldering it, and now IT WORKS! Not only does it not cut out for two seconds after every four seconds of play, my AM/FM, which cut out about 3 years ago work as well. I am a guy who knows NOTHING about cars. The video you shared, as well as MotorCity Mechanic David Pike's (on how to remove the radio for my particular model) walked me right through it. I wasn't optimistic that I could fix it or it would solve the problem (I'm pretty pessimistic at times, this Coronavirus isn't helping) but lo-and-behold, I did. Whoot! Whoot! Thank you very, very much!!

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I purchased a 2015 Jeep Renegade back in March. When purchased no issue with stock radio, the SAT button no sound, no biggie. Up until 2 days ago, the radio lights up when turning the on button, no sound so I thought volume down, turned up still nothing. I pressed the SAT button & now it's working sound is fine. Any ideas?

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2014 JK Wrangler with radio in FM/AM mode, no sounds or visible volume meter. When I switch to SAT mode or AUX mode, the sound comes through all speakers for 2 secs and then it goes off for 2 secs. There is an audible "click" sound when the sound goes out. Have it in the dealership service now so will report any findings to this group once it is repaired.

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Mine started with FM going in and out after I went across railroad tracks. Everything else would work. A couple of weeks later, audio on everything cut in and out every few seconds. I reflowed the chip in the link on the previous post and it worked perfectly. Due to the fact that this chip isn’t held to the board with an epoxy coating like the rest of the board is, it susceptible to vibration and the solder joints break on the chip.


Just did the same fix for the chip, and it works!!!, Thanks everyone.

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The links to the youtube videos no longer work - anyone have updated links to fix this issue?


Shane. Not sure if these are the video you were looking for Here are links https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VtzrNJVTPl4. This one is on how to remove radio from jeep https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DSzEKKNy0jc This one is on how to test the chip that was not probably soldered properly It solved the issue of my radio cutting in and out

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To whoever figured this out - you saved me $600 or more. Thank you so much. To add: They have a hot air blower / soldering iron at Lowes for $30. Also mine seemed to work well when out of the dash but when fully installed got inconsistent again. I noticed that one of the metal friction brackets that holds the unit pushes right under the spot where that chip is, so I bent the bracket down a bit to take the pressure off. I'm betting that clip is what causes this to happen in everyone's jeeps. The dealership would never take a heat gun to the chip, so that's why the answer is "new head unit." Thank you!!!!!

The right speakers cut out sometimes. I found there is a wiring plug above the clutch that causes it if my foot bumps it when I’m shifting, if that helps anyone.

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