my car keeps over heating it goes from 0 to 260 in about 30 seconds when i turn on my heater it blows out cold air?
3 Answers
Check you coolant level. If it's low this can happen.
yetilikesbeer answered 10 years ago
Check the level in the rad not the reservoir. It sounds like you engine is are locked. Add to the rad, check for a bleeder screw on the heater hose take offs on the motor. Should help you bleed the air out. Make sure you fill the motor before running it to hot again. Air insulates, you need to get fluid close or touching your thermostat to open it. Once you get the thermostat to pop the air should circulate out of the motor. Just keep cooling of the rad and topping up the level until it stays full, then the reservoir should maintain the level.
have a 05 80000 miles used water about once a month sometimes over heat within 3 miles problem turned out as head gasket