CD/Radio indicator light kaput
Asked by JimmyN Dec 19, 2010 at 02:20 PM about the 2001 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4WD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
The LED that provides the light to read what's going on with the CD/Radio up and
quit recently. Man is it ever frustrating trying to figure out what radio channel one is
on, or what track the CD player is on. Anyone have any idea on how to fix/replace
the LED, or to test the circuitry to figure out what the problem is?
5 Answers
i had the same problem in my explorer(98) it turns out to be a fairly common problem in all of the explorers. the screen will black out you can fix it but you have to re-soder a wire. i would recommend just buying a new Stereo i got mine for 99 bucks plus the stereo wiring harness was like 6 bucks and it was worth it and i haven't seen any problems with it but i can help you out if you like just message me.
Nick: Thanks for your reply. OK, so would I need to get into the guts of the radio to do this re-soldering, or is it an external wire leading to the radio? If it's not too complicated, I'll probably just go ahead and try to fix it rather than buying new equipment. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
hope this helps
no problem however it might not be a for sure fix some of my friends radios crapped out after re-soldering the wires just be careful not to mess up or you'll be looking at a whole new stereo