Dead battery not battery or starter
Asked by Starling Oct 23, 2019 at 01:15 AM about the 2003 Ford Explorer Limited V8 AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Every time I park and turn it off and go to start
again it won't start I have to either jump start or
put it on battery charger it isn't the starter or the
battery I've put 2 new batteries in it n it has only
15 Answers
POSsubaru93 answered 5 years ago
Alternator? Test your alternator by taking the battery out after you have the car started. If the car dies when you disconnect it it's your alternator
You have something draining your battery like an interior light or other minor electrical component. Check all obvious things like glove box lights, courtesy lights, etc. If nothing is found, connect an amp meter in series with the positive battery lead. I suspect it will show the drain by indicating a positive amp reading with the car OFF. Then start pulling fuses until the current stops - that fuse will tell you what circuit is the guilty party. Next, investigate components on that circuit to determine the cause and fix it.
It could also be your alternator as POSsubaru93 said. If it has failed, driving the car will also drain the battery but you will not get very far before it dies. That is why I suspect the parasitic drain.
Thank you guys i appreciate your answers and will try what you've suggested.
Im having same problem. Replaced battery and alternator and its dead again.
Did anyone find a solution for this one. Same shit happening to my wifes 2017 explorer xlt. Third time in 2 weeks the car just wont start, have to jump start or charge battery. Advance Auto parts test it 3 separate times, after each occasion. Battery tested good, starter tested good, alternator tested good. Very frustrating. Its so random when it happens to. She could have the car running for 3 hours straight, driving or idling. She'll park, turn car off, get out and be gone for 20 minutes and come back and it wont start. Something is turning on and draining the battery roughly once a week, and whatever it is can drain the battery in roughly 20 minutes, what would be drawing that much power if its definitely not a light??? any help would be so much appreciated!!
Same here. 2017 Ford Explorer doing bonkers things. We had the battery to the key fob replaced and the car battery 2 months ago. Now they’re saying it’s battery problem and replaced battery again. The car’s error message indicates it’s not shutting down. They said that perhaps I wasn’t shutting off the engine correctly. I paused for a hot second before responding. I’ve owned the car for years, so clearly not user error. I’m also not a moron, but I was giving them benefit of the doubt because clearly I could have simply been a moron. What I understand is they look at key fob for battery replacement as one potential reason. I’ll circle back when they figure out the root cause.
Guru9Z968Z answered 4 years ago
Check alternate alarm access on driver’s door , water is getting in when it’s being washed . Keeps coming on by it’s self . Possible.
Guru9ZP8N7 answered 4 years ago
Same issue with 2016 Ford Explorer. I will try parasitic drain test next, but has anyone tried and solved this problem?
Same problem as above. Ford Service in San Diego couldn't find any problems. Charges me $170+ and says you need to reset the battery. It has been reset , may times . Two weeks later battery is dead again ( 3 batteries in 1 year) .
Same Problem on a 2017 Ford Explorer, replaced the battery 7 months ago, last night went to start it and it would not, jumped it and let it sit over night same problem. Battery tests good so does the alternator. Had local company test more and they said it is pulling 11 volts from somewhere when the explorer is turned off but dont know where from. ANY IDEAS WHAT WOULD PULL 11 VOLTS WHEN THE EXPLORER IS TURNED OFF???
Anyone figure issues out? Mine does the found no parasitic draw.
Georgek954 answered about a year ago
hello everyone. i have a 2017 ford explorer with battery dying in one day, found two wires touching each other causing to make a big draw. wires are in fuse box next to battery, wires are between fuse # 51 and relay # 24. pull fuse box to see the burn wires.
GuruDDRN6D answered about a year ago
Christopher answered about a year ago
Really wish these og posters on these forums would let you know what the problem was for the rest of us. But 90% of the time they figure it out and leave us hanging.