Clicking noise and wont start?
This started friday morning, truck
started just fine and I drove quarter
mile to the gas station, went to leave
but she wouldn't start, just kept
clicking, didn't even try to turn over.
Figured somehow drained the battery
so I got a jump and drove another
20min to the bar, for breakfast . Went
to leave a couple hours later and
same thing, got it jumped and after a
couple tries started right up. Long
story short, after a couple more times
of this happening, I just got home,
shut it off, tried to start immediately,
clicking. First thought was alternator,
tested the battery and after the
30minfights drive home the battery
was fine so I ruled out both of those.
Cleaned the terminals and cables, still
clicking. Replaced the starter sunday,
came with the silonoid, started just
fine about 5 times in a row. Yesterday
morning went to leave work, clicking,
instead of jumping, since the battery
tested just fine, I just kept trying and
after a few turns she started up. Im
kinda lost. My only guess now is to
replace the battery cables?