2003 gmc sierra 1500
Asked by Educhacon0720 Mar 01, 2023 at 10:09 AM about the 2003 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT Extended Cab SB
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
My 2003 gmc Sierra won’t start and cranks one time
and I go to try again and it won’t even crank but I still
have light on the truck but it would only crank once
and than won’t do it again I have a brand new starter,
alternator, battery, and fuel pump so idk what else to
5 Answers
beatupchevy answered 2 years ago
You could have bought test equipment instead of parts you didn't need . Now you're back to square one having to diagnose without any
Educhacon0720 answered 2 years ago
I have a test equipment This are the cods that I got from the test U1000 B1000 B2948
U1000 CAN BUS circuit, need wiring diagrams for that circuit to test. B1000 ECU voltage, could be broken wiring, bad connector or even a bad ECU. B2948 Security system problems. Could be a sensor, wiring or even the BCM. Anyone of these codes will cause the rig not to run, and you have three. All of the above needs the proper test equipment and manuals to do it right. Most of this is above the novices skill set so you may need a good independent shop to take it too.
Save you some time. Had this issue on my o4 Yukon XL body control module went poop on it self wouldn't "shake hands" w ecm. Ecm popped and took bcm w it. Just because you have communication does not mean computer is working. Canbus circuit IS the serial data port to pcm, if your guages are also inop at this time as well bcm is mm mm mm toasty. Check for ANY blown fuses in under hood fuse box gm runs several unannounced items off of a single fuse.