Brake caliper locking up


Asked by Vk1Jvk Jun 18, 2017 at 10:09 AM about the 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My front driver's side brake caliper keeps locking
up after a few minutes of driving, i have replaced
all pads and rotors, all brake hoses, both front
calipers, and the brake booster, and it's still locking
up, I'm out of solutions, any help or advice would
be greatly appreciated.

23 Answers


Sometimes the interior of the brake hose comes apart and acts like a one way valve holding pressure on the brake caliper. I would take a real close look at the brake hose that goes to the caliper that has the issue. Also make sure that the brake pedal is not binding and releasing fully to the top of it's stroke.

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Bob, i definitely appreciate your help, i replaced the brake hoses and calipers yesterday, i know that sometimes you can get a defective part from the parts store, i didn't really want to mess with it anymore last night because my temper was getting the best of me, I'll go back through and triple check everything, it's just the one caliper that keeps locking up.

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firebird brings up a good point. Caliper slide pins need to be free from wear and properly lubricated using a silicone brake grease to keep them from sticking. Also since you replaced the brake booster the linkage needs to be properly adjusted so that the brake pedal and the rod that goes into the booster is not partially applying the brakes. Some are adjustable and I am not sure if your vehicle is or is not.

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I'm not 100% sure if the booster is adjustable or not, but i never had this problem until I replaced the booster, as soon as I replaced the booster i started having theses issues, i thought it was the hoses so i replaced them yesterday, that didn't stop the problem, so i replaced the calipers also yesterday, and it's still locking up the front left wheel, I'm hoping that it's a fairly simple fix that i can laugh about later.

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If this helps, when the brake is locked up, with the engine running, i can pull the vacuum hose off of the booster, step on the brake, re connect the hose and the brake let's go and it's good to drive for another 10 minutes or so.

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Thank you guys for all of your help, it turns out that the caliper was bad right out of the box, i swapped it out with another brand new one and it's working just fine, i hope that solved it.

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Bad rebuilt calipers do happen, but it is not very often. Glad you got it fixed.


Hey guys, guess what happened this morning!? My brakes are locking up again after a few minutes of driving, i have replaced everything brake related in my jeep, i thought that i had this problem taken care of, please help

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Vk1Jvk my 98 is doing the same think exactly what URS is doing did not have and problems till I replaced the booster


Yes i have, the rod on the brake booster was fully extended right out of the box causing the master cylinder to think that i was applying brakes, i turned the rod back the full turns and that did the trick, it only took replacing the booster, master cylinder, calipers, rotors, pads, and hoses to figure it out.

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When u say that u turned the rod back which way did u turn it and yes I have replaced all of that stuff too Vk1Jvk

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Counter clockwise, there's a brass sleeve at the end of the rod that looks like you can get a wrench around it, get a wrench on it and start with three full turns, that did the trick for me.

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Ok I'll need more question is it the rod going to the pedal or do I have to take the master cylinder off and do it from under the hood and that u so much for being so helpful

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Oh no, that would be too easy, it's the rod that goes into the master cylinder, so you have to take off the master cylinder, and since you'll have it off you might as well bench bleed the master cylinder too, just to be safe, the help I'm giving you is everything i figured out the hard way, I'm glad to help because it was a nightmare for me, and nobody should have to deal with that nightmare alone.

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Vk1Jvk my Jeep is now fixed thanks to your advice and experiance I appreciate all of ur help and if I have anymore issues I will definitely check with u again

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You are very welcome, I'm glad to hear it, a problem that's pretty common with jeeps is the computer, if you are ever driving and about 10 to 15 minutes into your drive the jeep will start acting like it's out of gas and shuts off for no reason, and then starts right back up after sitting for about 10 minutes, and then shuts down again, it's the computer, not the ignition coil, not the crankshaft position sensor, not the rotor cap, not the pickup coil, not the spark plugs, and not the fuel pump, IT'S THE COMPUTER, there's a place in Miami Florida called all computer resources, you give them the year, make, model, and mileage, they will program one for you and ship it out, i think i paid $139 for mine, the jeep dealership wanted $600 to $800 for the exact same thing, also if you for any reason break your alternator mounting bracket, go to a auto salvage yard and pull one yourself, it's a dealer specific part and the dealership wanted $400 for a new one, i paid $5 for it at the salvage yard. I couldn't justify spending $400 on piece of cast aluminium with two holes in it.

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good afternoon Mark and Jeep owners, i have the same symptoms with my Jeep cherokee 1998 4 wheel drive do you guys know of a place in Cape Town that can assist with this problem without wanting to rip me off . all I get is places that sells second hand parts , like a Callipers @ R1500 . each second hand etc. i bought this jeep last year and i love it , but a am just spending money on the brake system . Thanks for the tips and generous help offered . Greg

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Both my front calipers are locking up I replaced both calipers and brakes I've replaced the booster and master cylinder twice actually and I've knocked back the rod that's running through the booster into the cylinder and still having the same problem I'm going to try that again but I'm afraid I'm still going to have the same problem I am not sure what to do both calipers locking up in my front please help


I keep hearing everyone say replace the hoses but if both the calipers are locking isn't that a symmetrical problem

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Front brakes locked up here. Going to tell the dealer tomorrow to try your suggestions with the rod

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