Brake light fuse 15A for Grand Jeep Cherokee 2002
My right rear tail light on the right side went out, I have replaced all the sockets and put in new light bulbs the right side lights came on but it appears to be the brake light. I then noticed that the left side brake lights went out. So I tested the fuses located on the inside and noticed that the fuse with number 15A fuse was bad. I went to Advance Auto and found the fuses with the 15A and bought them, then tried to input fuse and notice that the 15A fuse I took out is different than the one I bought, the prongs are further apart. I tried something I've heard to do is wrap foil around the fuse just to see if it will if they would come on and the right side regular lights came on and is not bright like the other side the right side is lite up I'm pressing on the brakes all the time. I've lost my book for my jeep so I couldn't look up to see how to replace my bulbs and sockets for the lights to come on. What is the correct fuse for rear lights and brake lights to come on?