Brake pedal goes to floor after bleeding


Asked by Diamondact Jul 25, 2017 at 03:47 PM about the 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Noticed a brake noise on
driver rear side. Pulled
wheel and inspected. Found
outside pad worn down thus
purchased pads and
installed. Checked other
side which both were
recently replaced and did
not need servicing. Bled
brakes and even did all four
just as precation/safety
measures. Now pedal goes
to floor with almost no
brakes at all. Was in decent
size lot luckily and no
accident but could not drive
obviously. Rebled brakes no
air and still no brakes. No
leaks present at wheels or
MC or other brake
components. Please help

12 Answers

Did you accidentally let the fluid level get too low in the reservoir? If there is air in the master cylinder you will need to bleed out the entire system. Also you should always replace pads on both sides of the car, never do just one side.

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Double check your work and make sure the bleeder screws are tight.

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All right. I've worked on my vehicles for years and have done multiple brake jobs in many different types of cars and trucks I've owned. This has me stumped


I meant they are all ok and tight. Sorry if that sounded weird

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If I had no issues before other than the noise, no leaks, no loss of braking power, how would that factor in? I'm just dumbfounded

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I have an 02 jeep grand Cherokee and i thought master cylinder went bad. So I replaced it. Bled air from master cylinder then all 4 wheels. Bled lots of fluid to be sure all air was out. Drove for 5 days fine then no brakes. Rebled wheels again. Drove 4 or 5 days fine then no brakes again. Changed brake booster. Rebled system again just to be sure. Drove 6 days fine then no brakes. What's the problem??

5 people found this helpful.

I replace both front calipers and brakes and blead th system and yet i get no pedal.

1 people found this helpful.

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