96 grand am, runs for 5 secs then just dies, replaced fuel filter and pump,,Same thing?????????????
3 Answers
This currently accord to my Pontiac if the car gauges move all the way then back and the car does not turn on this can mean that your fuel is not reaching the engine causing the car not to turn on. This might be due to a bad fuel pump or bad wiring when i myself changed the fuel pump it still was not functioning but when I had the wiring fix it started working been working for now 3months. So test the fuel pump before replacing it if it works then its the wiring. GOOD LUCK! :)
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
isn't there a fuel pressure regulator on this bad boy (as I recall)??
is your security light on? if it is it is a security lockout. look up security bypass on youtube, or take it to a shop have the ignition replaced for about 500 bucks or try and do it yourself there are videos for it as well. then do a relearn for the car. https://www.am-autoparts.com/1999/Pontiac/GrandAm.html? disableIndex=true this is a great site to buy parts from