1999 pontiac grand am randomly dies
Asked by Wolfman200866 Nov 12, 2020 at 07:25 PM about the 1999 Pontiac Grand Am 4 Dr SE Sedan
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a 1999 Pontiac Grand am with a 2.4 l engine
in it and I've changed the throttle position sensor
no codes are coming up but when I'm at a stop it
dies on me or when I'm putting when I'm reversing
or when I'm going to take off every once in a great
while die on me while I'm moving what can it be no
trouble codes come up at all
4 Answers
Check idle air control valve?
Wolfman200866 answered 4 years ago
I did that and it's still doing the same thing I was told torque converter should I check into this
Yes its possible that the torque converter is the cause, but I'm Just running through the easiest possible causes/solutions first before having to drop the transmission. Other possibilities could be vacuum lines that have come disconnected, a throttle body that has a butterfly sticking, brake booster leaks (even internal) can also cause this