How do you remove the cneter console of an '06 grand prix?
1 Answer
you will need a small ratchet a 10mm socket, and a small flat head screw driver. total time 10-15 mins.. first locate the 10mm bolts at the lower part of the console, there are 2 on each side, you will have to move the position of both front seats all the way forward and then you will be able to see a 10mm bolt at the bottom of the console, you will need to get it from the back seat, next move the seats all the way back and you will see the other 2 bolts on the lower part of the console by the front of the seat, after removing all 4 bolts get into the vehicle and SET THE PARKING BRAKE!!!!! FIRST... now insert the key into the ignition and turn it forward to the accessory position, DO NOT START THE CAR!!!! now put the gear shifter into the "1" (all the way down) position, the console should now move freely, carefully slide the console all the way back as far as possible, now you will need to disconnect the big wire harness at the very front and the bottom of the console, use a flat head screw driver to unlock the snap tight clip on the wire harness, now it should come out easily.