I have a 2001 4 runner v 6
Asked by surfcityjerry Dec 05, 2014 at 09:20 AM about the 2001 Toyota 4Runner SR5
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I always do the regular oil change at the toyota delearship. last two times they said i
should have valves adjusted and timing belt and water pump replaced. It has 67,000 miles.
This seems early to me. What is your opinion? This cost about $2000.00
4 Answers
Sounds like you need to go to another dealer for another opinion. A DIY would be around $100 for the Timing Belt kit with water pump and valve cover gasket. Adjusting valves is just a feeler gauge, screwdriver, wrench and patience.
The V6 in a 2001 4- runner has bucket cam followers. They fit over valve springs and DOHC, the cam pushes directly on bucket and with cam and bucket wear, high mileage (67,000 is not even CLOSE to high mileage!) shims are used for adjustment. The cam must be pointed directly up and away from bucket tappet follower, and I don't know the specs but it's very very small, cam almost touches bucket with valve closed. that's how they are adjusted for proper lift, timing and duration. As for belt, Toyota says 90,000. or 72 months..(.6 years). so they are right on that one, by age of belt...right here in owners manual: http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omms/MSTOY01_MS0003/pdf/01omsour/2001/schedule/2001toyo.pdf
surfcityjerry answered 10 years ago
Thanks so much for your time and information...very helpful.....Jerry