98 Toyota Camry-crank no start
I have a real mystery. 98 Toyota Camry LE, been idling high ( like over 1K when
stopped at a light) kind of bounced around intermittently. While driving the other
day it sputtered like it was out of gas, stalled and now cranks but won't start.
We wrongly assumed it was the fuel pump and changed it, waste of time, it
didn't start. Checked the fuel filter, it's not clogged. Went on to test the spark
plugs, no spark in #1. Bought the $20 code reader and it comes back with
nothing so I am reluctant to dig out the cam, and whatever that other sensor is.
Should have gotten the code if it was either of those. We pulled the plugs out of
the 2 ports they click into and spark only comes out of 1 and 3. Theory is if 1
plug is bad it would run (terribly) on 3 cylinders. Any thoughts on this one?