Legal then fix or fix while getting legal?
Alrighty, I'm not entirely sure this is the best place to ask, but I've got a
problem. So... what better place to ask than Car Gurus. I have a 1997 Toyota
RAV4 that I had bought in which I did know couldn't run at the time of
purchase. Just a timing belt replacement and a new battery. I had a person
that a friend recommended to me to fix it, which he did quite splendidly.
Afterwards however, a small oil leak that I had noticed turned into a full on
pour. (Which was not the fault of the mechanic. We discovered it was an
unfinished issue that the previous owner did not discuss) By that, I mean I was
losing pints at a time but did not know until it was too late. I was cruising along
on the highway and my car completely cut out; engine stopped, steering was
heavy. Long story short (or about as short as I can if even the guys here can
help) I then had the same person look it over and was told that I needed a full
engine replacement. Months later (me being naive) my car still is not running
and I am now stuck with a still nonfunctional car and cannot get anything from
the guy. My question here is... I'm looking to take a court order or something to
the individual who was supposed to replace my engine, which he said he did,
but the evidence all point towards the fact that it is the same engine that cut
out with me on the highway. But also, I want my car fixed so I can continue
getting to work and back. What can I do in this circumstance? Wait until I court
order him and then get my car fixed or fix it while during the legal process? I
can explain in more detail if asked, so please let me know. And thanks for
taking the time! -F