#5 misfire
Let me start over. I'm sorry I've never posted like
this so I'm going start from the beginning. I have a
2000 ext cab 2 wheel drive tundra. It was running
fine when my starter went out. Now my little truck
has over 300,000 on it so thing are going to wear
out. So after I finally found the starter lol. I
changed it . Bought the gasket kit put it back
together. It fired right up but it was sucking air
around an injector. Well I found a set of injectors
same thing that in it for a little over $120 on
Amazon same name brand and part numbers. Now
the seals I found to replace my old ones was $75
for one side. Put the injectors in fired it up had a
miss. So I bought all new coils it needed them
anyway everyone of the old ones had a crack on
them and replaced the plugs with what it calls for.
Still had a miss. So I borrowed a code reader from
a buddy it reads #5 misfire and some times lean
fuel. Now I ave done all I can think of and what I
thought I figured out from reading forums. I'm by
far a mechanic bit still I can't afford a mechanic
either. So any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Sorry for the long text I'm new at this.
Thank you for your time!