Your answers are all very good and intelligent. But if it was sporatic at first, and then finally
stopped, There is at least a chance that it could be a bad ground wire. The fact that it went
all the way over to full, is what gives me a problem. I cannot thing of why it would do that,
unless someone has put something in your tank, like sticks, or twigs. Best of luck, and I
am sorry that I can't tell you where on the vehicle the gas gauge line runs into. But it should
be an easy enough thing to find it. One tip that I learned over the course of working under
mobile homes, replacing entire plumbing systems, in a mobile home park, is to lay a tarp
down on the ground right next to the place you are going to be working. That both keeps
you cleaner, but also can catch any misplaced tools, and it is softer than just plain concrete.
You can also put a few pieces of cardboard on top of the tarp, to cushion your knees and