Recommended motor oil for oil change
I am doing an oil change on my 2002 Chevy Camaro 3.8L V6 and I
really am in need of finding out what recommended oil I should
replace it with. I heard people are recommending Mobil 1 synthetic
blend and I believe the oil that's in it is still conventional but high
mileage conventional by penzoil. It has a bit over 140k miles on it and
I don't want to mess this beauty up at all. I'm looking to start putting in
alot of money into it but I want to be sure I'm on the right path by
starting here with it's oil change. I see there is an old performance oil
filter on it so I'm thinking I might need to replace that with a
performance filter as well I'm just scared to possibly mess it up by
putting on a not so good filter with the wrong motor oil although as
said before hand I am sure that there is high mileage conventional oil
in it but have done research and from that I've partially learned I can
go ahead and completely switch to a 50/50 synthetic blend oil. It's
just with 140k miles I don't know if I'm still able to and/or should?