Cavalier Engine swap
Asked by tommy10suzen Jul 20, 2018 at 01:11 PM about the 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24 Coupe FWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
I have a 1996 2.4 Cavalier (Donner car) and a 2002 2.4 Cavalier Z24 (Receiving car). Can I swap motors?
2 Answers
No. Unless your changing the harness your not swapping that Beauty Quad in Place of that EcoTec. Fix the 96. I got a 97 :)
GuruDX1J2F answered 2 weeks ago
Shouldn’t be a problem if they are both quad fours, you will of course need to make sure it has a identical fuel system and emissions system you might have to swap a few sending units and emissions components but if the engine is the same shouldn’t be a problem. I have a 96 and a 98 completely different emissions systems but same engine almost everything is identical i think until 2005 i believe which is when they switched to the cobalt platform.