my tranny won't shift in my 2001 blazer unless you let off the gas. I changed the shift solonoid. It is still doing the same thing. Any help?
6 Answers
try changing the TPS sensor. it can miss with shift points when they start to go bad. no check engine light?
Yes the check engine light was on
Is that the throttle position sensor?
Here is the thing. My father in laws blazer don't wanna shift from 1st to 2nd. It will keep going unless you release the gas pedal. After that, its fine and you don't have to do it anymore. The engine light was on until he changed the shift solonoid. When he changed it, the light went off, but didn't fix the problem. We took the TPS sensor off my blazer and put on his to see if that was the problem. It wasn't, it still ran the same. Were at our wits end here with this problem (Oh yeah, and it don't sound all that great right now either. Don't know if it's a related problem, or if it's something else entirely)
Im having the same problem in a 04 blazer xtreme have you had any luck figuring it out bc i have not