Replacing ball joints
Asked by Ackeric8976 Mar 01, 2017 at 10:30 PM about the 2001 Dodge RAM 1500 SLT Quad Cab LB 4WD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Any one have advice on replacing ball joints? Not
sure if I will be able to do it myself or have a shop
do it. I can do basic Matinence stuff not sure if this
is to big of a project to take on solo or not.
6 Answers
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
With a real ball joint puller tool not too bad, But can replace the whole control arms with ball joints and bushings as a kit.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
I would get a repair manual as there is some procedures you need to do in specific order.
enginecreator answered 8 years ago
Nobody wants a coil spring bouncing out. And if you are doing this may want to think about shocks, tie-rods ect basically anything you take off, look at all bolts for bad threads or worn.
buy a pickle fork and a good ball peen hammer. you are trashing the old ball joint anyways right. the fork will destroy the rubber boot in the removal process
Its5a lot easier to replace entire control arm but be extra careful with coil springs. Dangerous stuff if u don't follow propper procedures
firebear58 answered 5 years ago
Coil springs is the one on the end of the control arm blots right?