Brake Hose Replacement question
A rusted brake line gave way that went from drivers side brake hose to passenger side brake hose on a 2wd
rear wheel abs 2001 Dodge Ram. The Service associate at Advanced gave me the wrong brake line at the store
and I ended up trying to put the wrong fittings into my old brake hoses and stripped them. Now I am about
to replace both front brake hoses after purchasing the correct parts.
However I see a pin (possibly a set pin) on the fitting of each new hose where it attaches to the caliper. I
took off the drivers side old brake hose and it seems like there is only a round bump where the pin was on
the old hose, but then I realized that there is no hole for a set pin on the caliper. So I looked at the
passenger side and see that this pin is sticking up into the air from the old brake hose and doesn't even
touch the caliper.
I'm just trying to verify if this pin on the brake hose to caliper fitting is used or not. After hours upon
hours of searching online I still can not find any videos of replacing brake hoses on a dodge ram.