I own a younger Cabrio (2002) and when I bought the car all I got was one key and one keyless fob. After that only key got stuck in the driver's door lock mechanism (finally manged to work it out the next day and used Dupont teflon lube after that - it's the best), I went to the dealer and bought a new back up key. The blank cost around $60, and then they have to re-program it and any other key and keyless entry fob you may have -- that's an hour of labor (charged another $55 for that). They said if I ever lose the fob, they couldn't replace it if they wanted to, and it would be in the $300 range if they could. A locksmith could lower the price slightly from that but I doubt it would make much difference. I'm getting rid of my Cabrio as soon as I can. This VW was made in Mexico, and that fact isn't necessarily why it's a POS, but I don't think it is helping. Volkswagen is the largest selling car manufacturer in the world right now, but it won't be me buying.