hinges on door


Asked by Valerie Mar 01, 2017 at 08:51 PM about the 1996 Volkswagen Jetta 4 Dr GLX VR6 Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Okay I am the one with the Jetta that won[t hold oil and last night i was trying
to pull it up about 50 ft and had my daughter in the jetta when the strap broke
and she started to roll backwards down the hill . I had told her which pedal
was brake but she went into panic mode and froze up. When I realilzed what
was and going on I slammed into park and launched out of my van and
chased my car down the road and managed to jump in to try steering it away
from the brick wall it had been heading for but she had turned to key off and
my steering had locked so my driver door got accordioned but i did stop it
before it went all the way to the front fender. Bummed out but it could have
been worse . Now I can't get the door lined up and it overlaps a bit on the top
rear onto the back door. so is there any way to get it to line up so I can lock it
because i still have to fix the major oil leak before being  able to drive it back
Thanks for listening and hope to hear a solution to ease my mind from it
getting broke into tonight. Thanks!12

4 Answers


Sorry to hear about your troubles. The problem with the door may go beyond just the hinges, if the jamb itself got dented or bent, even new hinges won't fix the problem. A hammer might get the jamb back into shape, but the only way to know for sure is someone with autobody experience will have to look at it.

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there's an old cave man trick where you put a wooden block in the door jamb and close it , this bends back the hinge , your experience may vary .

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So the caveman approach is in my price range at the present time and i figure I'll be replacing the door, hinges and if my bad luck holds, the front fender too. How large a wood block and how do I position it for maximum chance of success? thanks!

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I re read your post and sounds more like the thing is destroyed , any way , all we would do is open the door , put a wooden handle by the upper jamb and close the door , up top to bend it up and down low to bend it down . I remember having a chevette with a door that you could bend and distort by hand . Like in the movies where the guy would tear the door off . If you can weld anythings possible , we didn't really have to care about inspections and looks back then .

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