my glove box wont open
Asked by ravens55 Apr 07, 2013 at 12:32 AM about the 1997 Volkswagen Jetta GL
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
i tried to get into my glove box on my 97 jettta mk3 and the latch that allows me to open the glove box broke so is there another way that i can get into my glove box to get my stuff out ? HELP PLEASE
6 Answers
There might be screws on the bottom side of the door. Your other option is to break the door off and buy another from eBay. You're going to need a new door anyways. How valuable is your stuff in the box?
migration_judge_roy answered 11 years ago
carry a small pen knife, not too rigid to slip around and underneath the pawl, inspect the mechanism and replace the .25 cent item- Glove-Box-Door-93-98-Lower-Dash-Black-/290800545343? pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1997%7CMake %3AVolkswagen%7CModel%3AJetta&hash=item43b5102e3f&vxp=mtr RARE-EURO-GLOVEBOX-GLOVE-BOX-/121086920098? pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1997%7CMake %3AVolkswagen%7CModel%3AJetta&hash=item1c3157c5a2&vxp=mtr
Brute force, or drill through center of latch then replace latch if the more gentle methods don't work.
AntiqueAuto answered 11 years ago
The latch had a plastic lever that extended into a rectangular shaped opening that is pushed to the right, and this action pulls in the plastic rods inwards, releasing the glove box lid. Insert the end of a screwdriver into the rectangular opening and push it to the right (quarter inch). This will release the glove box lid. I had the same problem with my 1998 Jetta.