I have a1999 vw jetta with a 2.0 motor the timing belt is broken do you have an idea what motor if is an noninterference
3 Answers
I looked at no less than 5 forums on your question and this is typical: http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?483179-Noob-question-is-the-2.0-an-interference-engine ...and all they do is argue amongst themselves, everybody claiming they know (I've worked on cars for 95 years...) and it's 50-50 about whether it is or not. Some say it simply IS, others NOT, and still others say "it depends on what rpm the engine was running when the belt broke if the pistons will collide with valves" End Quote. Can't find anything directly from VW. Sorry zico, this answer is not from lack of trying I guarantee you that much
http://www.justanswer.com/vw-volkswagen/169ha-97-vw-jetta-gl-2-0-timimg-belt-broke-is.html ....same, makes site #6 looked at, but I am beginning to lean to this one. It makes at least SOME sense. I don't understand how if at idle it would not be interference and at running at 3k rpm would be different unless it has variable valve timing like some Toyota's, then I can (sort of) comprendo