The battery in my 95 blazer keeps dying and I can't figure out why. I had the alternator and battery tested and both are good. I did put a new starter on that is for a 2001 blazer. Could it be the pro
3 Answers
Possible, you can check for a draw on the battery by taking off the neg, cable, and take a reading with a volt meter set on DC volts between the cable and post of the battery. You should read no more than .07 of a volt. If so disconnect the small wires on the starter and see if that is were the draw is. Otherwise you start pulling fuses to narrow down the circuit with the draw.
No take your battery out 1st. Under your battery carriage is a black box with wires going to it. Remove your battery carriage get to the black box. Unscrew box and clean the connections. re- connect and see the difference. Half hr job at most..
The Body Control Module, good thing to check, but a draw is a draw and it may be coming from this...