were is cam sensor in1998 saturn sl


Asked by elainetigress Jun 26, 2013 at 02:46 PM about the 1998 Saturn S-Series 4 Dr SL1 Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

need exact location of this snesor.

8 Answers

1998 Saturn: this engine doesn't use a cam sensor. I know, then how could there be a code for the cam sensor? Well, The electronic ignition (EI) module supplies a signal to the PCM whenever it determines that the #4 cylinder fired on its compression stroke. Because of opposite coil tower polarity, the simultaneous fir of #1 and #4 cylinders are of opposite polarity as well. Under most conditions, except decel, the waste spark cylinder fires before the compression cylinder in sequence. The EI module can determine this polarity sequence and voltage amplitude by using capacitive pickup plates located under the 1/4 coil. If the module senses a positive to negative sequence and high negative spike when #4 is on TDC, it pulls the PCM cam signal to ground signaling that #4 has just fired on compression. This signal along with the double pulse received from the CKP sensor, synchronizes spark and fuel timing. You basically need a Tech 2 Scan tool and a service manual. Or any reputable repair facility can diagnose and repair this for you.

5 people found this helpful.

Hi Daivd can you resend the image so that I can get a print out of it. Thank you,

4 people found this helpful.

So it's the coil packs causing the cam sencer code on my 98 Saturn sl2

3 people found this helpful.

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