My 5 speed saturn will not move when I let out the clutch

Asked by SeanSaturnWagon Jun 17, 2015 at 10:12 PM about the 1998 Saturn S-Series 4 Dr SW1 Wagon

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

My son said after he shifted into 3rd gear it popped out of gear. then no matter what gear we put it in when we let out the clutch the car does not move.

3 Answers

At the time I didn't have the time to look at the car. Once I finally did get the car up on jack stands I discovered that the CV Axle had twisted in half. So I replaced that the CV Axle and it works just fine.


that's 100% correct, but why did you say it pops out of 3rd? thanx for replay it will help someone some day.

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