07 ford f150, only clicks, will not start, battery tested good, any ideas?
5 Answers
HECTORINTUCSON answered 10 years ago
You have a starter relay or a starter solenoid here are 2 images hope they help
HECTORINTUCSON answered 10 years ago
Here is a starter solenoid it should be near the battery if you jump the 2 big bolts be careful if the starter cranks you have a bad solenoid
If you jump the solenoid, do it with a screwdriver quickly then remove it. Once jumped, if the solenoid is bad, the engine will crank and start. Keep the solenoid jumped will have the same effect as holding the key in the start position once the engine starts. It will ruin your starter or flywheel. Touch the two points quickly. If the engine starts to turn over, disconnect immediately, the solenoid is bad.
2007 the relay is in the fuse panel
Daniel. Isn't that some sort of low-voltage relay? It's too small, I would think, to be the high-current solenoid.