2007 BMW X5 won't start
Asked by estore2 Apr 16, 2017 at 07:42 AM about the 2007 BMW X5 3.0si AWD
Question type: Maintenance & Repair
Looking for information that maybe the cause of my problem. My X% started finewith a little hesitation a couple of times but this last time I cut the truck off ran in a building for about 15 mins went to crank up truck nothing dead silence. The funny thing is all instruments inside works and radio and head lights come on. I can hear relays opening and closing but when I push the start button nothing. Looking for some help with this.
6 Answers
tried to jump start that didn't work. With a weak battery everything will still work. @Tom
It's a 2007. I called dealer they said 450.00 to replace battery is that normal
What should the voltage be on the battery?
If it's not battery then its starter for sure. If you push and nothing happens then its starter mostly.
Roadrunner223 answered 6 years ago
Same problem with mine. Did you figure out the problem ?
Exact problem. How did you solve it