2007 Grand Prix in Limp Mode
I've had this 2007 Grand Prix for a little over a year, but
shortly after I got it the transmission went bad so I had it
rebuilt. Shortly after, the car started going into limp mode.
I took it to a mechanic who said I had bare wires in the
main wiring harness, and he fixed it. A few months later, I
had the issue again, and when I had it scanned, the codes
indicated a gas pedal position sensor issue. I replaced the
gas pedal assembly, but nothing changed. Fast forward to
today: I've replaced the throttle body, MAP sensor, and had
two harnesses rewired. Each fix usually resulted in the car
working for a while (even as much as 4 months) before I
get the same codes again. Often, the car will go into limp
mode after hitting a bump in the road (even a small one),
but sometimes it just does it for no discernable reason or
will be in Limp mode when I start it. I've now spent over
twice what I paid for the car on repairs. What could
possibly be the cause of this issue?