Name of a part, I cannot find
8 Answers
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There is one. It's on the lid that opens and closes with the top. The plastic square that locks
I would recommend taking the car or the part to a dealers parts department. They have diagrams or will go out and look at it and then you can order the replacement.
I agree with FoR. That part is not something the local parts store will have. You need a dealer... unfortunately (for your wallet)
It sounds like a Johnson Rod storage box ,,, but the cover is what has me confused
I think it's the same one I'm looking for.It flips up when roof is opening and flips down as toneau cover closes.
Cover, folding top side LH 6559a005ha This part has been discontinued long ago. There a passenger side available on eBay right now. Your best bet may be a salvage yard.