I have a 92 Chevy Corisca that has started to not stay running unless I keep the pedal on the gas.Im not mechanical. Please help!
7 Answers
Will it run ok other than wanting to go dead when you slow to stop? If so it's possibly dirt/faulty idle air control valve or dirty throttle plate.
it will not stay cranked at all unless the gas pedal is down, can not even put it in gear without it dying.
Both are easy enough for a novice to clean and the iac only has two small screws holding it in place so changing it with a new one is easy too. Looked your iac up and you lucky they not as expensive as most. Actually rather cheap.
Ok that sure sounds like it might be an iac or dirty throttle plate issue.
Iac. Stands for Idle Air Control valve.
http://www.1aauto.com/idle-air-control-valve/i/1aisc00004? f=527538&utm_campaign=gb_csv_nobr&utm_content=ISC&gclid=CjgK EAjwzIucBRDzjIz9qMOB3TASJABBIwL1_DKrPAKqqgvu_phhyNPoyh8S lgOChedN7l_dLYUUAPD_BwE -- here is one