What is the best procedure to replace a torque converter on a 96 k1500?
2 Answers
start by draining that transmission this will reduce some of the mess, next get a tranny jack or make sure you have a strong friend around and your going to need to get this truck lifted up as high as u can use woob blocks jack stands whatever it takes u want to be able to almost sit indian style under the front of the vehicle now as far as the repair goes my minds a little rusty on this but im sure on the 4x4s god bless you there is a transfer case and im pretty sure it can be removed as one unit attached to the transmission this is why i recomend the jackas it will be very heavy and awkward so remove drive shafts remove starter remove flywheel cover remove your flex plate bolts remove oilfilter i think this applys to your model year not 100% sure o yea dissconnect battery first almost forgot disconnect shift linkage carefull there may be some brittle plastic clips might not hurt to pre order some if your new to this as that stuff is easier to snap together than take apart remember they are ment to go together on and assembly line not come apart in our garages ( throw away nation) im sure there will be some cross members and support beams bolted to the transfer case and transmission remove as well hopefully u can avoid removing the exhaust but u may have to lower it u will prolly be able to determine that once u look underneath the rest im sure u can figure out nuts and bolts but get the truck lifted as high as u can make sure its safe and try to get a tranny jack harbor freight sells them fairly cheap i belive and as alwahs carfull
nuclearjohn answered 8 years ago
Get a second opinion on your problem, the torque converter doesn't control shifting slippage, that's a function of the bands and clutches and they may be able to be adjusted during a filter replacement. I have only seen one converter ever go bad and it was a complete failure, and if that is what your converter is about to due You will need to go through the tranny anyway.