Infiniti g35
2 Answers
Since you just did some work on system, make sure all air is bled out. The system should bleed air out on its own, but may need some extra coaxing (park facing uphill so radiator is highest point in system, run engine, and make sure reservoir remains full). Then move on to other items: Check the radiator cap, it may not be holding adequate pressure or seal has cracks. Feel radiator for uniform heat, any cool spots indicate blockages reducing its cooling capacity (an IR thermometer works great for this). Also check that cooling fans are turning on when they should. (it not, could indicate a problem with engine coolant temp sensor, fan module(s) or fans.)
Heater coil release valve near fire wall mid engine in back just use phillips screwdriver u will see black plastic screw on the hose of heater coil its a pressure release just start car loosen screw just a little until a you see water come out then tighten immediately boom your good now no more over heating i xhanged out all the stuff you did but the problem was you have to repressureize. Lines if your water gets too low or if u drain and change parts